Plants need a lot of light to become healthy and strong. As we require food, water, and air to live, plants require light to survive and develop properly. Through photosynthesis, light is involved in the process plants use to make their food. Plants absorb sunlight, together with carbon dioxide (from the air) and water (from the ground) during photosynthesis. They convert this energy into food that will allow them to grow, reproduce new plants and be healthy. Plants need light, and without the right amount (or even little) they can not grow.
Plants vary in the amount of light they require to thrive. Some plants, such as the Jade plant (also known as the "lucky plant"), require plenty of bright light in order to thrive. These guys enjoy bright areas to absorb the sun. However, there are also plants like spider plants and snake plants that grow fine in lower light. These plants are easier on the eyes, and can make do without as much light. Also make sure to know what type of light is best for each plant, so that you can help them flourish.
In order for plants to grow well, they require three types of light; they are blue light, red light, and green light. All three types of light help plants in different ways. Plants benefit from blue light too, because it promotes the growth of leaves and stems. This is when the plant begins to shoot up and put out more leaves. Red light also contributes to flowering and fruiting as well. This is the phase when the plant flowers and creates the pieces that can become new plants. For plants, green light, by contrast, is not that important. Plants can reflect green light, although this light won’t help them grow, so they don’t absorb as much of it.
Bright, indirect light promotes healthy growth in jade plants. Indirect light means the sun isn’t beating down on them, though they are still getting lots of light. They can also adjust to direct sunlight but you need to make sure their leaves don’t get burned. If you find the leaves on your Jade plant getting brown or looking wilty, this may be a sign that it is receiving too much light. Then, it’ll need to be moved to a less sunny spot, though it must still receive some light (just not so much sunlightand heat).
It's another great tip for tending to your plant's well-being is to move it around every now and then. That way, all parts of the plant get equal light, and it grows evenly. If you only expose one side of the plant to the light, the other side may not experience growth as well. It’s also a good idea to avoid placing your plant by a drafty window or anywhere that will cause the temperature to fluctuate significantly. Plants hate sudden changes in temperature as this can put the plant under stress.
If you feel your Jade plant is not receiving enough sun light, then you can also use grow lights. LED grow lights or fluorescent lights are good choices for supplemental light. These lamps can be purchased at home improvement or gardening stores. When looking for lights, ensure to choose the right sort that will be appropriate for your certain plant’s requirements.
Lucius is a name that puts out some solid LED grow lights. And they have many varieties that would be perfect for like the Jade plant. This lighting emits the proper light sensitivities and wavelength that allow plants to develop vigorously. Also, they’re energy efficient, which means they consume less electricity, and they’re long-lasting. That means they are a wise option for all natural gardeners out there.